Before Your Surgery
A preadmissions nurse will speak with you before your procedure to complete a health questionnaire and review preoperative instructions, and answer any questions you have concerning our facility or your procedure. Our nurse will contact you 24 to 72 hours before your procedure. If you will not be at the number you provided, you must call us to provide information at least 24 to 72 hours in advance. The Hughston Surgical Center’s main-phone number is 706-494-3434.
You may need preoperative testing before your surgery. Testing, such as laboratory work (blood and urine), MRI, or x-rays provide information about conditions that can affect the treatment you need. Some of the tests are scheduled based on your age, your general health, any illnesses you have or medications you take, and the type of surgery you are going to have.
Please be sure to talk to your doctor about any medications you are currently taking, especially for heart, diabetes, or blood pressure problems. It is important to mention any over-the-counter drugs, such as aspirin, Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, Aleve, any herbal supplements, or blood thinning medication. Your doctor will give you instructions about taking any medication before surgery.
Your physician’s staff will schedule your surgery at the Hughston Surgical Center. You will recieve another phone call from Hughston Surgical Center’s business office to finalize the financial arrangements for your portion of care at Hughston Surgical Center.
If for any reason you cannot keep your scheduled appointment for surgery please notify our office immediately. If you suspect that you are pregnant, or if you experience any change in your health, such as a cough, fever, cold, or an infection, please notify your physician.
The Night Before Your Surgery
For your safety, please do not eat any food for 8 hours prior to your scheduled arrival time.
- You may drink only water (12 oz), Gatorade or Gatorade 2 (12 oz) for diabetics, up until 2 hours prior to your scheduled arrival time.
- No gum, mints or candy the morning of surgery.
- Your doctor will tell you what prescription medications to take. Only take the medications you have been instructed to take.
- Please do not smoke, chew, dip tobacco or consume alcohol 12 hours prior to surgery.

The Day of Surgery
Arrival and Parking
Please arrive at your scheduled time which is typically 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours prior to your surgery time.
When you reach the Hughston Campus, please enter the parking lot on the North side of the building. Hughston Surgical Center is located on the North side of the Hughston Clinic building on the 2nd floor. You will enter the Surgical Center through the same entrance as MRI. Once inside the building, you will proceed to the elevator and go to the 2nd floor. When the elevator door opens, you will be in the lobby of Hughston Surgical Center. A receptionist will greet you there.
When it’s time for you to go home, your driver will use the patient drop off/pick up loop located outside the area where you entered the building. An HSC staff member will help you to your vehicle.
While You are Here
After you have checked in at the reception desk, one of our nurses will take you to the admitting area. Your nurse will escort you to a dressing room where you will put on a special gown, cap, and slippers. If you have brought any valuables with you, please leave those with a friend or family member.
Anesthesia services are provided by anesthetists who are qualified in all aspects of your anesthesia care and under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. Your anesthetist will examine you before surgery and answer any questions you have. Be sure to talk to your anesthetist or anesthesiologist about any medications you take, including any over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements. The appropriate type of anesthesia is determined by your surgeon in consultation with the anesthetist.
- The morning of surgery, report to the HSC (Hughston Surgical Center) at your assigned time.
- If you have a change in your physical status such as a cold, fever, etc. please notify your surgeon’s office at 706-324-6661 or 800-331-2910 or call HSC at 706-494-3434.
- All patients must be accompanied by a responsible adult. If you receive anesthesia, you CAN NOT drive yourself home. Bring an adult to drive you home and be with you 24 hours after surgery.
- Bring a list of your medications and dosages you take. If you use an inhaler, please bring your inhaler with you.
- If you use a CPAP machine, bring it with you.
- Bring your insurance card and your picture ID.
- Bring a copy of your Advance Directive if you have one.
- Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing. Allow for bandages, casts or an orthopedic boot. Wear a button up shirt if you’re having shoulder surgery.
- Bathe or shower using antibacterial soap before your surgery but do not use lotions, powders, makeup, nail polish, hair spray, false eyelashes or perfumes.
- Leave your valuables such as jewelry, body piercings and watches at home.
- Take only the medications you have been instructed to take. If you are prescribed a beta-blocker medication, please take it with a small sip of water.
- Any removeable items, such as contact lenses, dentures or partials must be removed prior to surgery.
- Report any allergies to the nurse at Hughston Surgical Center (HSC).